Air Conditioning Options and Increasing Efficiency in Older Homes

Air Conditioning Options for Older Homes

When it comes to charming older homes in the Auburn area, getting the maximum efficiency possible out of the heating and cooling equipment is usually a complicated project. Between solving ductwork issues and figuring out how to upgrade HVAC systems without spoiling the character of a classic structure, contractors face countless challenges. Nonetheless, there are plenty of air conditioning options for older homes. In this article, we’ve gone over five things to know before tackling the project. As always, we recommend having a professional from Spencer Heating and Air come out and assess the HVAC structure and potential in your property.

  1. Your Contractor Must Be Creative

Because older homes were built before modern HVAC existed, you’ll need contractors who can get creative and work around the challenges that Auburn’s vintage homes often present. This could involve cutting into decorative woodwork, running lines through the ceiling or finding ways to work through walls. Alternative plans that bring in window AC units will be nowhere near as efficient or comfortable for your family as central HVAC systems.

  1. Proper Sizing Is Crucial

When installing HVAC in your old home, much of the project’s success hinges on how well your contractor sized the system. HVAC that can’t cool or heat a home comfortably will end up overworking and having a shorter life-span, and systems that are too big create challenges in controlling humidity. There are industry standards for sizing a home, so work only with contractors who reference the correct manuals for sizing HVAC equipment. Spencer Heating and Air specializes in equipment sizing and home comfort!

Air Conditioning Options for Older Homes Without Ductwork

  1. You Can Do It Without Ducts!

Believe it or not, modern HVAC systems can operate without ducts. Whether you use unobtrusive split systems or high-velocity equipment, contractors can keep ductwork to a minimum. A great example of these systems are our Mitsubishi ductless mini-splits (link). These systems are highly efficient and super quiet. If you do opt for ducts, there are numerous ways to disguise their presence, if needed.

  1. Certain Factors Make Installing HVAC in Your Old Home Easier

Even though upgrading HVAC in an old home is a challenge, there are some instances when older homes make it easier for contractors. For example, old ductwork is usually larger than the systems modern contractors install. This additional size comes in handy when you want space for central air and heating. To get the most efficient performance from your retrofit cooling and heating system, have your ductwork sealed, or rebuilt using sheet metal. Here at Spencer Heating and Air, we specialize in custom sheet metal ductwork that will last a lifetime! (link)

  1. You May Need a Larger Electrical Supply

The other X factor in HVAC upgrades for older homes concerns the load an electrical system can handle. Modern HVAC systems will overpower a home that is equipped with 110-volt service. Your contractor’s electrical expertise comes in handy when this issue arises.

Contact Spencer Heating and Air

A system upgrade will allow you to adapt your home to modern specifications. In the end, you’re going to have a more efficient overall output. Homeowners have many options in HVAC renovation. Let Spencer Heating & Air’s trusted expert technicians deliver advanced HVAC systems that preserve the character of your classic home. Spencer Heating and Air Conditioning is an independently owned American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning Dealer located in Auburn, AL.