HVAC warranty

Unlocking Comfort: Why You Should Consider a Mini Split System for Your Auburn, AL Home

Unlocking Comfort: Why You Should Consider a Mini Split System for Your Auburn, AL Home

As the vibrant city of Auburn, Alabama, basks in its warm climate and Southern charm, residents seek reliable and efficient cooling solutions to beat the heat during the sweltering summer months. If you’re in the market for a new air conditioning system, it’s worth considering the many benefits of a mini split system for your Auburn home. From enhanced comfort and energy efficiency to versatile installation options, here’s why a mini split system could be the perfect cooling solution for your living space.

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Keeping Your Home & Pets Healthy & Happy This Summer

As the sun shines brighter and temperatures rise, summertime brings joy and adventure for both humans and our furry companions. However, along with the fun and excitement, the season also presents unique challenges for keeping your home and pets healthy. From staying cool and hydrated to preventing pests and accidents, this helpful article provides some essential tips to ensure a happy and healthy summer for you and your beloved pets.

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April 2024 - Signs Its Time to Replace Your HVAC System Knowing When to Upgrade for Comfort and Efficiency

Signs You Need to Replace Your HVAC

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your HVAC System: Knowing When to Upgrade for Comfort and Efficiency Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment year-round. However, like all mechanical systems, HVAC units have a finite lifespan and may eventually require replacement. Knowing when it’s time to upgrade

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Should my Unused HVAC Vents Be Closed?

Should my Unused HVAC Vents Be Closed? “Does it save money to close the air vents in rooms I don’t use?” At Spencer Heating & Air, this is one of our more frequent questions, especially during the heat of the summer. Here in Auburn, Alabama and the surrounding areas, we understand that everyone’s looking for

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Why HVAC Warranties are Important

Why HVAC Warranties are Important

If you’re like most consumers, you spend a lot of time researching the price and the performance of a new HVAC system when your old one needs to be replaced. However, most of us spend little or no time to analyze what type of warranties the systems’ manufacturer offers. While this part of the transaction

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