
Winter HVAC Tips

Winter HVAC Tips to Keep You Warm At Home

Winter HVAC Tips In order to keep your home comfortable and your HVAC system running at maximum efficiency this winter, there are a few tips and tricks you should try! Adding additional insulation, sealing drafts, replacing your air filters, and scheduling maintenance can set your home up for success. Keep reading to learn more about […]

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Facts About Furnaces

10 Surprising Facts About Furnaces

Facts About Furnaces We get interesting questions about HVAC systems all the time. You have the questions, we have the answers. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite facts about furnaces for you to learn from. Keep reading to be blown away!  1. Can my furnace explode?  Woah! That’s a scary thing to think about.

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heating bill is higher than normal

Why Your Heating Bill Is Higher Than Normal

Why Your Heating Bill Is Higher Than Normal As temperatures get cooler outside, we often see an increase in our heating bills. However, opening your energy bill each month shouldn’t be a costly surprise. If you’re experiencing gut-wrenching energy bills month after month, there could be several reasons why. Keep reading to learn more about

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home heating fire prevention

Home Heating Fire Prevention Tips – Protect Your Home This Winter

Home Heating Fire Prevention Tips – Protect Your Home This Winter As it begins to get colder, we’ll find ourselves reaching to turn on the heat more often. Unfortunately, heating is the second leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Because of this, it is important to know what preventative steps you can

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Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested?

Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested?

Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested? When thinking about the comfort of your home, you probably don’t think about the airborne contaminants affecting your indoor air quality, but you should. Harmful contaminants can dampen your mood and affect the health of you and your family, even if you don’t realize it. Without proper

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cool down your older home

6 Ways to Cool Down Your Older Home This Summer

Cool Down Your Older Home If you live in an older home in Auburn, Alabama, you probably regularly experience high energy bills and uncomfortable temperatures in the summer. While you might think this is just the price to pay for living in a beautiful, historic older home, there are ways to keep your home energy-efficient

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creating a smart home in Auburn, AL

Top 5 Components for Creating A Smart Home

Create Your Auburn, AL Smart Home With all the technology that exists today, you can quickly turn your house into a smart home with just a few simple upgrades. Having a smart home means better efficiency and convenience, and new technology makes it easier than ever before. Keep reading to find out how to turn

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Air conditioner is blowing warm air

7 Possible Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Blowing Warm Air

If you’ve lived in Auburn or East Alabama for even just a couple years, you know the summer brings some serious heat. Without an air conditioner keeping your home cool, you’ll easily experience uncomfortable temperatures and possibly unlivable conditions. So, when your air conditioner starts blowing warm air, you might begin to panic, but don’t

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Save On Office Cooling Costs

5 Tips to Save On Office Cooling Costs This Summer

Save on Office Cooling Costs  Running the air conditioning in your office can get expensive, especially during the hot summers we experience in Auburn. Spencer Heating and Air has the solutions to keep your office cool and your energy bills down throughout this summer, and many more. Read these 5 tips to save on office

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REME HALO® & iWave

REME HALO® & iWave Air Purifiers For Your Home

REME HALO® & iWave Air Purifiers As warmer weather moves into Auburn, we can begin to see the accumulation of pollen on our homes, businesses, cars, and even floating through the air. More pollen outside means more pollen inside our homes where it gets trapped. This causes the air in our homes to be even

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